On Patreon.com/feline I offer ALL about me. ALL works, music, image, video, and words. ALL live show videos, good and bad ones. ALL the gory details about life as a freelance artist. AND NEW!!! the most safe and open chat in the interweb. Talk about what you wish openly – it´s named Worry Box for a reason! – and I´ll read and answer EVERYTHING.
Watch me trying new things, some failures, some just imperfect. I try to show what art mostly is: Work, and failure. And the deepest connection right after love humans can have.
Auf Patreon.com/feline teile ich mit Euch ALLES über mich. ALLE Werke, ob Musik, Wort, Bild oder Video. ALLE Liveshows, gute und schlechte. ALL die schmutzigen Details des Lebens als freiberufliche Künstlerin. Und NEU!! die sicherste und offenste Chat-App im Internet. Red mit mir über alles – der Chat heißt nicht umsonst Kummerkasten! Ich lese und beantworte ALLES.
Seid dabei, wenn ich Neues probiere, spontan bin, nicht perfekt. Wozu? Um zu zeigen, was Kunst wirklich ist: Arbeit, und Fehler, viele Fehler. Und die die vielleicht tiefste Verbindung nach der Liebe zu treten, die Menschen zueinander haben können.
Formerly, kings, church, and merchants supported artists so they would sing their praise. Later, the music industry took over, hoping to make money.
Now, it´s you.
As a Patron,
- – you support the artist you like directly, without giving 90% of your money to a corporate
- – you are a family member, you will be seen, and heard, you can take an influence on the art that is made with your help
- – you get exclusive content, new works, and most of our old stuff, for as little as 1$ per each NEW work we publish (usually 1 per month) (so yes, the old things are FREE)
- – you motivate us to make stuff!!! Most of these Things wouldn´t exist without Patreon.
More questions? Here´s an instruction manual!
Früher haben Könige, Kirchen und Kaufleute Kunstschaffende bezahlt, damit diese ihr Lob singen. Danach kam die Musikindustrie, um die Geldkuh zu melken.
Jetzt kommst Du.
Als Patron
- – unterstützt Du Deine Lieblingskunst direkt, ohne 90% Deines Geldes einem Datenriesen zu geben
- – wirst Du ein Familienmitglied, Du wirst gesehen und gehört, Deine Meinung beeinflußt, was wir mit Deiner Hilfe erschaffen
- – bekommst Du exklusiven Inhalt, vor allen anderen. Neue Werke, viele Versionen und Hintergründe, und das meiste von unserem alten Kram noch dazu, schon ab 1€ pro NEU veröffentlichtem Werk (normalerweise 1 pro Monat) (also die alten Werke gibt´s umsonst!)
- – motivierst Du uns, Kunst zu erschaffen!!! Die meisten dieser Werke würden ohne Patreon nicht existieren.
Mehr Fragen? Hier eine Gebrauchsanleitung!
TW: Diesen Song solltest du nicht hören, falls du Herzprobleme hast. Was hindert uns daran, die Welt zu retten? Andere
(read in English below) Am Anfang stand ein Text. Am Ende 37 Künstler* aller Sparten und Professionen - das Steampunk
NEW: REMIX EP Jetzt anhören/vormerken: click here! REMIX by PYROLATOR aka Kurt Dahlke out August 2022 - EP with
..,schon wieder... Eigentlich sollte es in 2021 ja einen neuen Text für die offizielle Release von KEINACHTEN und NOLIDAYS geben. Aber
´Twas 2020, and the plague rolled over the planet. Mishkin Fitzgerald (birdeatsbaby), Feline´s close friend, is (like her) not someone
Although I´m super happy that our family is growing, there still is a lot of misunderstandings about patreon as this
Loverlies, Patreon is really great and made me make things I had never dreamt of. But as a blog system,
Der Song zur Covidiotendemo. Ich habe die Nase voll und meine Band auch. Ab nächster Woche sind wir wieder getrennt,
Der Song zur Krise. Als freiberufliche Künstlerin, als Selbständige allgemein, bin ich es ja mein Leben lang gewohnt, verarscht, ausgebeutet,
I wrote a blog on Patreon about the making of the new album (TRIGGER WARNING). It is intense. One of
#howcanartnotbepolitical A badass piano punk about narrowmindedness. Out of the box. I make my living from: selling boxeswith little people
The controversial discussion about cultural appropriation, and how I made a burlesque song from that.
The piano Lied about being with a depressive person...
LET US BE AUTUMN (piano solo) Dear Crew,here´s the autumn song I promised. There will be more versions next week
Hellooooo my hunnybunny spaceship crew, right out of my recent october-after-season-after-travel-mid-politics-mid-shitload-of-uninteresting-work-depression I wrote and recorded this track. To help me
Trigger Warning by Feline & Strange This song was published on Patreon in a totally different version from the record
Here it is! Our Victorian Asylum Breakout. Featuring the finest of Berlin´s Freaks, and a few of you, my beloved
Loverlies, I already spilled that I was working on a new duet with Mishkin Fitzgerald - here is the first
TRUTHS by Feline & Strange On TRUTHS (2016) I am a Second Wife. And if you are one, as well, you
This is about losing everything you took for granted. And hope. OUT by Feline & Strange I‘ve been painting wrong
Industrial Electro-Punk with all the aggression "Gettin' Angry" (TRUTHS) promised. Brian plays the dumpster, among other things. Out of control.
Patreon post with video download Stream & buy song and album: OUT by Feline & Strange Closes the arc Track
Patreon Post with song download Loverlies! Sorry for the radio silence. Last 2 weeks where a whirlwind of exciting things
In December 2017, we performed for the very first time our songs together with the wonderful weirdos of The FullMoonCabaret
Trigger Warning by Feline & Strange Here´s the song that got in the way, and was succumbed to trials and
See image overview at bottom! / Galerieübersicht und Artikel in Deutsch weiter unten! After playing several shows with birdeatsbaby and
Patreon post with google doc coworking link to full treatment! Edit: here you can also see the incredible comic panels
Patreon post with download Loverlies, the recent #metoo thing made me write a feminist song before finishing the Questions song.
Trigger Warning by Feline & Strange Written in Derbyshire and posted with a shitty laptop-microphone-recording. It´ s dark, it´ s
Trigger Warning by Feline & Strange Patreon post with song download Here´s a birthday song! We recorded it pretending to
Apply for a visa for Planet Earth here. No guarantees. But at least you have the chance of winning a
Patreon post with links Loverlies, what an exciting, and exhausting month! OUT is out, for realsies. Some of you even
Patreon post with downloads! Last month, you got something blue, and next month, there will be something new. This month,
The band’s contribution to Heimatmusik. Includes a traditional Leierkasten break in Berlin-German (with the crew of FARGO singing along). The
Bodypainting: Chrische E. Meyer A failed communication mirrors inside an empty mind, and in a heavy Electro Wave track with
Patreon post with song download Not again. One might say. Isn't it annoying? No wait. People died, right in front
Click through to the songs on this playlist for all lyrics!<a href="https://felineandstrange.bandcamp.com/album/truths">TRUTHS by Feline & Strange</a> OUT (2017) With OUT
Yes, I admit, I am the bad one in this situation - And to think I wanted nothing from you
Afterlife Get song on bandcamp in HQ without the watermark: TRUTHS by Feline & Strange Fm Cm | Fm Ab
Bonus track for TRUTHS owners! Check your booklet to find out how to download this!
In 2015, I was showered with stipendia! First, German Government sponsored our U.S. tour in May. Then I got a
Dearest Fan, thank you so much for purchasing our album! You know well that you are supporting the next issues