Uh, I’m so sorry – Lyrics, music, video

Yes, I admit, I am the bad one in this situation – And to think I wanted nothing from you but just a little appreciation. When I hurled that glass at you I thought I´d miss you, honestly! Your eardrum split just because, well, you didn´t listen properly Uh – I´m so sorry. Never meant …

HURT – Lyrics, Music, Chords, Video

On LIES (motor 2015) Stream&Buy the released/mastered version: LIES by Feline & Strange Don’t touch me – Your fingers burn like acid. Don’t comfort me – What could you say that helps? Don’t say a word – Your voice thrums like a lear jet My ears are sore from listening, They won’t reload what you …

Album TRUTHS (2015)

Click through to the songs on this playlist for all lyrics! <a href=”https://felineandstrange.bandcamp.com/album/truths”>TRUTHS by Feline &amp; Strange</a> Shop the CD – Steelbook with comic book! TRUTHS (2016) ist eine exklusiven Metallbox veröffentlicht (zur Not auch als stumpfe Schlagwaffe verwendbar) und enthält eine 32seitige Graphic Novel von Leadsängerin und Gesamtkünstlerin Feline Lang, die die im Roman …


Words/Music/Arrangement: Feline Lang This storm is only in my mind. Beware. Heavy air musty smell yellow clouds, a heaven like hell Chicks yawning lazy at the metro station – This is the thundergod´s coronation The world sticks to me, follows every step, I drag it around, longing just for a nap As the thunder growls …


Click through to the songs on this playlist to read lyrics:<a href=”https://felineandstrange.bandcamp.com/album/science-fiction”>SCIENCE FICTION by Feline &amp; Strange</a> SCIENCE FICTION (2013) DER SOUNDTRACK ZU EINER emotionalen Achterbahnfahrt: (read in English below…) wild, episch, albern, tieftraurig, temperamentvoll, phantastisch und durchgedreht werden Psychosen, Exfreunde, Ungeheuer, See-Süchte, Ruhm und Anonymität verhandelt. Und: eine Steampunk-Novelle vom Kopf der Band, Feline Lang, abgedruckt …

Album “BEHAVIOUR” (2011)

Click through to the songs on this playlist to read lyrics:<a href=”https://felineandstrange.bandcamp.com/album/behaviour”>BEHAVIOUR by Feline &amp; Strange</a> BEHAVIOUR! (2011) Some are EpicPop. Some are SillySwing. Some are both. Which? Listen and decide. Hauptthema sind auf dem aktuellen Album “BEHAVIOUR” innere Unwetter: Da werden schon mal die Augen ausgekratzt, beginnt die Realität zu bröckeln, steigt der grinsende …