Stop Asking (Lyrics/music/video)

on LIES (2015) – Words&music: Feline Lang

I wish I could stop thinking about everything I do or see.
Why do I know what will happen, why do I feel responsible for everything I do?
I wish I could live peacefully without my conscience´s gravity.
Not hear not see not talk a monkey toying with a typoscript that no one will read

Let´s stop asking who we are – stop asking where we go – stop asking who will care – stop asking…

I wish I could stop asking for the way you see the world
I seem to be the only one to see it just the way I do, I watch and all seems so wrong.
Sometimes I wish I could turn back the time to know what I did not
when I was young and thought the world was mine to loot not what to care for destined I was

I want to be a lonely person, not responsible for you.
I wish you wouldn´t ask me if I`m feeling like a woman after all who I am.
I don´t want to replace myself with whom comes after, want to be
my own remembrance own portrait, don´t feel I have to trade that for a life, not at all

Why can’t I go on blindly.
Why do I have to speak up
even if I know you won´t listen
and my voice blows in the wind like noise of
dead transient sand

TRUTH No. 19: You won´t listen


What we knew: Sound is of utter importance. So we turned back to the Old World and tried to listen more closely to our own messages. Luckily, we have specialists.

Was wir wußten: Klang ist von Bedeutung. Also kehrten wir in die Alte Welt zurück und versuchten, unsere eigenen Botschaften deutlicher zu belauschen. Zum Glück hatten wir Spezialisten an Bord.

What did we find? Look here – after you found the Prize hidden by said specialists.

Was wir fanden? Schau hier – nachdem Du den Preis gefunden hast, den besagter Spezialist versteckt hat.

Auf der Seite sind 2 Boxen. Eine trägt einen Namen, der auch der eines berühmten Erfinders ist, welcher den berühmesten aller Erfinderpreise stiftete. Gib diesen Nachnamen ein.

On the page are 2 speakers. One sports a nme that is also the name of a famous inventor who funded the most famous of all inventor’s prizes. Enter this Name.

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