Feline solo – Electro Show

The fierce lead singer of “Berlin´s weirdness manifested” (Legacy Magazine) also performs solo! Of course you can have Feline hammering the keys of any piano in reach with our without proper clothing while yelling at the audience, but did you know she also performs electronic club shows? The new solo show “Cult” is a sneak …

Metal Theatre:Aftermath

Felines siebtes oder achtes Leben als Musiktheaterregisseurin (von “CARMEN” bis “Swing Kids”) tritt im Juni wieder an die Oberfläche: Das iranisch-deutsche Kunstfestival “Klangteppich” hat mich beauftragt, eine theatralisch-politische Show mit dem Lead der iranisch-norwegischen Metal-Band CONFESS zu inszenieren und auch selbst zu performen. Aufführung: 9.6.2023, Theater Aufbau, Berlin Kreuzberg Mehr zum Festival https://www.facebook.com/Klangteppich  

SIGNED – Laetitium & Foxy Records

Wonderful beings of all species,   it is done – it has happened –  felineandstrange is  SIGNED!!! From now on, all our music will be available on FOXY RECORDS and their shop DRYLAND RECORDS, and our gigs will be booked via LAETITIUM! See how much they love us, and all that art shit! On this …

How does Patreon work? (dt./engl.)

Although I´m super happy that our family is growing, there still is a lot of misunderstandings about patreon as this form of support is still almost unique and rather complicated. So I decided to write a kind of manual in both German and English to clarify, and will share this as well. Feel free to …

FS in the social media

Dig down our facebook profile! We keep it personal and authentic, but you can also find all the important infos there to click&share. Help us become a household name! And shhhh… did you know we also have a group?! The Spaceship Crew Our YouTube channel shows you all our Art, and live streams, and live …

Other performances

We do a lot of stuff besides rehearsing, touring, and recording albums. Yes! If you want to see stuff besides our official videos, like, interviews, behind-the-scenes, radio and tv features, and our session and live work for and with other musicians, dig down this playlist!


We have created a monster. Our 6th record is scaringly prophetic, released amidst the Corona crisis, with all the apocalyptic warnings, anxiety and existential dread, distance and panic, and all those breathing masks all over the artwork. Unsere 6. Platte: Erschreckend prophetisch erscheint sie mitten auf dem Höhepunkt der Coronakrise, mit all den apokalyptischen Warnungen, …

Rah Fookinhell

DRUMSDRUMSDRUMS Since the end of 2018 Rah Fookinhell is the drummess of the band. After playing with Amanda Palmer and birdeatsbaby this fits perfectly into her busy schedule: when not touring or songwriting with F&S, she´s playing with her punk rock band The Erinyes, or hosts the monthly Uke Boogie in Berlin. Seit Ende 2018 …

Feline Lang – CV

Printable Vita (German): Vita Feline Lang Kategorien neu  AKTUELL: Kooperation mit Mishkin Fitzgerald von birdeatsbaby (Brighton, UK): Cassandra´s Twin (song und video written and produced by me) erschien am 11. März, EP in Vorbereitung On tour with Feline&Strange in Deutschland, USA, UK, Benelux… Tourdaten hier! KONDITION.MACHT. Neuinszenierung des bahnbrechenden Musiktheaters von GOETHES ERBEN zum 20jährigen Jubiläum. …