Band Biography

Download: Feline&Strange Bandinfo 2015 engl Feline Lang doesn’t do whole works of art. She is one herself. Feline grew up with classical musicians and entered the stage as a violin prodigy with 5 years. From her 16th on she worked on her personal form of musical theatre, as actress, dancer, director, and operatic singer. All at the …

Who is Mrs Strange???

Mrs Adelaide Strange, born 1883 as a Smith, from Sussex, lived since her marriage in London and, after her husband Andrew Charles Strange´s death by ox pox in 1910, travelled around the world alone. She died 83 years old 1966 under unknown circumstances in Barcelona and appeared one day in our rehearsing room. She entered …

Cello/Percussion: Christoph Klemke

CHRISTOPH KLEMKE hits everything that comes his way. May that be a cajon, or a cookie jar. But never people. When his mood is better, he plays that weird DIY-foldup-cello that looks like a weapon. Looks like. And he damned well knows how to play that. Was Punk drummer for “Background” in GDR, studied and …

Bass: Marc André Haller

MARC ANDRÉ HALLER feels the vibe. He knows as our scientist that there is more to know than one expects. And if you listen closely to his bass play on double, electric, or Chapman Stick, you will be able to decipher the messages he´s giving about our homeworld and his opinions about this one. His …

Why do you write in Englisch? nicht auf Deutsch?

1. because when I write in German (I do) it becomes different music. Not Feline&Strange music. 2. because we felt from the very beginning that Germany was not our best fan pool. 3. because English sounds better (I think so, at least, and that´s what matters). 4. because we try to spread our message world …

What the heck is Steampunk?

Steampunk ist eine aus der Gothic-, Cyberpunk- und Do-It-Yourself-Szene gewachsene Subkultur mit Wurzeln im Süden der USA. Zusammenfaßbar als: Viktorianische Science Fiction. Stichworte sind: Viktorianisches England – Jules Verne – H.G. Wells –  Zahnräder – Tesla – Edgar Allan Poe – Korsetts – Goggles (Schweißerbrillen) – Zylinderhüte – Luftschiffe – Dampfmaschinen – Reifröcke – Fecht- …


Datenschutzerklärung Diese Datenschutzerklärung klärt Sie über die Art, den Umfang und Zweck der Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten (nachfolgend kurz „Daten“) innerhalb unseres Onlineangebotes und der mit ihm verbundenen Webseiten, Funktionen und Inhalte sowie externen Onlinepräsenzen, wie z.B. unser Social Media Profile auf. (nachfolgend gemeinsam bezeichnet als „Onlineangebot“). Im Hinblick auf die verwendeten Begrifflichkeiten, wie z.B. …