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After playing several shows with birdeatsbaby and their charismatic and incredibly talented lead singer and pianist Mishkin Fitzgerald, Mish and I decided to make a song together. Here it comes. Patreon-exclusive release on both our profiles, but the video is now public.
UPDATE: The video is downloadable in High Quality (patreon-exclusive)! Get it here: for as little a pledge as 1 Dollar, or the high resolution download for as little as 3, including download of the song in vinyl quality, and many more songs and videos:
Also a higher quality version:
Acoustic version and video is available exclusively on Mishkin´s patreon:
Get the song now! Shoplinks: bandcamp – amazon – or just become a patreon and get everything we published for as little as 1 Dollar!
RELEASE PARTY with live show: March 10th in Berlin, 12Grad, Frankfurter Allee 24! See Live Shows for Details or go facebook!
What Patreons say:
“Wow!!! What a pair of artists, what voices!!!!”
“What a joy to listen to this beautiful and superb song. Thank you.”
“Well, now am a total gooey mess! Love it.”
“That was beautiful. In a way that only the end of the world could be.”
“Gosh. That’s really quite overwhelming. The snow really adds to the atmosphere, so all the suffering was worth it.”
“The video is absolutely stunning. I love the effect of you two moving through the otherwise motionless scenes. Also kudos to all the other people involved. Standing still for extended periods of time in that weather must’ve been a right pain in the ass…””My first video I see here with patreon, it’s amazing and was worth it, great song and actors!”
“Excellent story, I loved the video, great job 🙂 Did you drop an F-bomb at the end? :D”
“Thank you for the high resolution! 🙂 I appreciate the high quality of the video! By the way, the video itself is very cool, too! <3”
The story: You all know we have been discovered and supported by US producer Jason Rubal who also brought us together with Brian Viglione to play and coproduce on our last 3 records, a dream come true! (If you do not know the story read it here). When Jason contacted me first, he sent me, among others, a birdeatsbaby song he made to prove he knows what he´s doing 😀 it won me over and I became a fan! birdeatsbaby are a well establish act with 9 album releases, more than 12.000 followers and sold out shows in the whole of Europe and the US, among others with Amanda Palmer, and fit very well into our own musical universe with their line up female vocals/piano/violin/bass/drums/electronis. In 2017, another dream came true for me when Mish and I met in Edinburgh and, as she puts it in the video interview below, instantly fell in musical love with each other.
The song, a duet with mythical background, references to classical music, EBM, and Goth-Rock, was released in vinyl quality exclusively on December 21st. The video is coming next week also on Patreon, it will be published on March 10th, from which date on the song will also be available on Credits: Words&Music, Vocals, Synths, production: Feline Lang, Piano and Vocals: Mishkin Fitzgerald, Violin: Hana Maria (birdeatsbaby), Drums: Christoph Klemke (Feline&Strange).
The video is a truly apocalyptic affair with a honest-to-god battle scene, featuring half of Berlin´s Steampunk scene, among others: Feuershow Ravenchild, fellow musicians Stereochemistry and Johanna Blackstone (Frank the Baptist), burlesque artist and filmmaker Viva LaMore (House of Red Doors, Full Moon Cabaret), and many more.
And Mish and I are already working on new projects, and will probably share the stage a few times in 2018!
Preorder the song in vinyl quality (96 bit uncompressed):
Also available in itunes, amazon , spotify from March 11th
Nachdem wir ein paar Shows mit den Briten birdeatsbaby und ihrer charismatischen und unglaublich talentierten Leadsängerin und Pianistin Mishkin Fitzgerald gespielt hatten, haben Mish und ich entschieden, einen Song gemeinsam zu machen. Hier kommt er, bereits am 21. Dezember als Patreon-exklusive Release auf unseren beiden Profilen downloadbar, am 10. März wird das Video veröffentlicht und ab dann ist auch der Song auf in Vinylqualität zu erwerben. Mehr Info auf .
Die Story: Wie Ihr alle wißt, hat uns der US-Produzent Jason Rubal entdeckt und mit Brian Viglione zusammengebracht, mit dem wir die letzten 3 Alben in Jasons Studio in Pennsylvania aufgenommen und produziert haben – ein Traum wurde wahr! (Wer die Story nicht kennt: hier ist sie.) Als Jason mich zum ersten Mal kontaktierte, hat er mir unter anderem ein Video von einem von ihm produzierten birdeatsbaby-Song geschickt, um zu zeigen, was er kann 😀 damit hat er mich sofort überzeugt, und ich wurde ein Fan. birdeatsbaby sind mit 9 Alben, über 12.000 Followern und ausverkauften Shows u.a. mit Amanda Palmer in ganz Europa und den USA ein etablierter Symphonic Rock/Cabaret Punk Act aus Brighton, UK, und liegen mit der Besetzung Frauenstimme/Klavier/Geige/Bass/Drums/Elektronik ganz auf unserer Linie. 2017 wurde dann ein weiterer Traum für mich wahr, als ich mit Mish gemeinsam auftreten konnte und wir, wie sie es im untenstehenden Videointerview selbst sagt, uns sofort musikalisch ineinander verliebten.
Der Song ist ein apokalyptisches Duett mit mythischem Hintergrund, Anklängen an klassische Musik, EBM und Goth-Rock. Text&Musik, Vocals, Synths, Produktion: Feline Lang, Piano und Vocals: Mishkin Fitzgerald, Geige: Hana Maria (birdeatsbaby), Drums: Christoph Klemke (Feline&Strange).
Das Endzeit-Glamour-Surrealismus-Video entstand unter Mitwirkung von Berlins und Brandenburgs halber Steampunk-Szene, inklusive Schlachtszene, unter anderem: Feuershow Ravenchild, Musikerinnen Stereochemistry, Johanna Blackstone (Frank the Baptist), Burlesquekünstlerin und Filmemacherin Viva LaMore (House of Red Doors, Full Moon Cabaret) u.v.m.
Und das ist nur der Anfang! Mish und ich arbeiten bereits an weiteren Songs und werden in 2018 viele gemeinsame Auftritte bestreiten.
Making of
Here´s what we did last week! Mish was in Berlin to make the video with me! As usual, I had a TON of ideas, and props, and extras, we worked on several beautiful locations (THANK YOU!!! NISCHE of BERLINER STADTMISSION e.V. and HUNDEFREUNDE BERLIN e.V.!) and got terribly cold working half naked in sleet and frost. See the proof in the hilarious backjstage photos by me and Wolfgang Dannat (Ravenchild)!
And yes, I got stuck in my dress. Do you recognise it? It´s the same model as the red one on SCIENCE FICTION! The next day, to warm up, we worked indoors with more wonderful actresses and actors on the Surreal Soiree. Third day the world exploded! We had the amazing Fire artists of Ravenchild coming in to Berlin and slay each other in an epic battle.
Words/Music/Arrangement: Feline Lang
Vocals: Feline Lang, Mishkin Fitzgerald
Piano: Mishkin Fitzgerald
Violin: Hana Maria
Drums: Christoph Klemke
Synths: Feline Lang
mastered by Martin Grünwald
Video credits:
written and directed by: FELINE LANG
camera and post production: DAMÓN ZURAWSKI
featuring: Feline Lang and Mishkin Fitzgerald
and: Johanna Blackstone – Nora Coeur – Daniel Flemming – Karla Hajman – Ishtar – Sebastian Kehrle – Christoph Klemke – Sven Michael Klose – Viva LaMore – Traumtänzerin – Janna Weber –
and: Ravenchild: Chris Ruhbach – Dirk Ruhbach – Ike Ruhbach – Nina Pröger – Anja Abendrot – Niels Abendrot – Lucy Abendrot – Angela Buhse – Mario Buhse – Kai Buhse – Lydia Tengler – Norbert Marx – Jens Dräger – Jonny – Jens Schubert – Barbara Schubert – Jens Forkert – Marnie Niese – Wolfgang Dannat
Danke: NISCHE – Berliner Stadtmission – Hundefreunde Berlin e.V. – VEGAS Pro – Magix Software
Do you recognise the Director of Photography? It´s the legendary Damón Zurawski who already did CITY BY THE SEA. I so wanted to work with him again that I made him fly in from Stockholm for this. He stayed at our place too, as Mishkin, and we had a happy work-camping site for a few days!
As he´s here, I thought, well, why not make ANOTHER VIDEO?
So we invited even more people to our studio, created an even bigger mess, and a little train compartment (I always wanted to make ANOTHER video involving the green folding seats from BEEN THERE DONE THAT – did you know that´s the only song I ever re-recorded in German?!), and made a super funny very simple version of THE TRAIN. Simple YET as this will involve the first ever animation project. And cows. More soon on!
Are you curious now? I hope.
Go and pledge one dollar (or more of course) on Patreon! This not only guarantees you will be among the first people to see the results, a few weeks before everyone else, but also gives you more exclusive song downloads, and what´s more: You´ll help me create more of this madness.
Here´s the patreon posts I made while creating this:
Download the song in HD:
love you xx
Gallery overview. Download with right click. Credit for all Stills: Cassandra´s Twin by Damón Zurawski.