Collab: Divided we stand

It´s so great to be part of the international Steampunk community! Our long term friend Anais Noir from Poison Garden (Rome) asked us to participate in her charity song and video during corona times. Here it is! Can you spot and name all the amazing superstars? Here´s what Poison Garden say: “Sometimes “Crisis” might mean …

Collab: Sperrbezirk

Die kollektive Weltpremiere vom “Sperrbezirk feat. Zuhause-Festival”: Die Münchner Kunstvereinigung, die das Streaming-Portal “Zuhause Festival” ins Leben gerufen hat, bei dem ich auch zweimal gespielt habe, hat alle Beteiligten gebeten, bei einem gemeinsamen Cover von “Skandal im Sperrbezirk” von der Spider Murphy Gang mitzumachen. Das war ein Spaß 😀 Das Video kann man leider nicht …

Radio/TV Features and Interviews

Januar 21: Noch ein Tentakeldebakel, diesmal über NACHSPIEL! Folge 21 – Es wird ein Nachspiel geben mit Feline und Chris Laaaanges Videointerview mit Quis dem Barden über Steampunk, Burlesque, Bodyshaming, und die Welt an sich Interview with Jeff Mach (Steampunk World´s Fair US): GASP show from UK, THE WORLD’S LONGEST RUNNING STEAMPUNK & ALTERNATIVE INTERNET …

Statement zur Lage der Nation – aus Sicht einer performenden Künstlerin

Im Rahmen unserer Liveshow (Stream) gestern habe ich ein Statement verlesen, das mir richtig und wichtig schien. Unter dem Video (nach dem 2. Song, das Video sollte eigentlich genau dort starten) der komplette Text. Das erste, was ich heute morgen las, war ein Zitat von Bundeskanzlerin Merkel. (Edit: heute übrigens dementiert, und bei Reuters und …

FS in the social media

Dig down our facebook profile! We keep it personal and authentic, but you can also find all the important infos there to click&share. Help us become a household name! And shhhh… did you know we also have a group?! The Spaceship Crew Our YouTube channel shows you all our Art, and live streams, and live …

Other performances

We do a lot of stuff besides rehearsing, touring, and recording albums. Yes! If you want to see stuff besides our official videos, like, interviews, behind-the-scenes, radio and tv features, and our session and live work for and with other musicians, dig down this playlist!


Music and other art we appear in, NOT written (entirely) by Feline (&Strange): covers, collabs, cameos Unusual performances. Includes classical and opera appearances (mostly directed by Feline), silly covers, but also NSFW videos.

WGT 2019

So we played EIGHT!! SHOWS in 4 days! First, 3 sets at Viktorianisches Picknick in Clara-Zetkin-Park. We had planned on playing once an maybe later jam a bit with the ukulele, but people kept asking for more <3   Next day, we played at Steampunkpicknick. Twice! Very hot again, wonderful familiar feeling even with 2500 …

The Bannerman Gig

Maybe the most epic gig we played this season – and the most hilarious 😀 Full show! Read the story here!