With our 5th album OUT, something special had to happen. Find tour dates here!
The show is, in short, a multimedia explosion with full cyberpunk costumes, silly dialogue as usual, visuals, costumes (and costume changes), masks, sunglasses, light-up drumsticks, codes and signs, and a game for YOU during the shows, also available online.
Aesthetically, the show leans heavily on the silent fantasy movie avantgarde of Germany´s 1920ies, especially Fritz Lang. The black-and white visuals together with the iconic and mystical costumes and grand gestures create an out-of-time-feeling, immersing the audience into the operatic music between a lone cinema piano player, a modern movie orchestra, and a kinky Brechtian cabaret – and deepening the cynical statement that mankind hasn´t changed much in the last 100 years.
Strange enough, all this is still a lot of fun. And, as it seems, people like what we do.
“Exzentrische Chanteuse… faszinierende Stimme… Das Ende kommt viel zu schnell. Wow. …etwas unerhört Ungewöhnliches, ja Herausragendes” (Schall Magazin)
„Traum aus Fantasie und Grenzgang … der derzeitige Underground-Hit … ein kulturelles Aufatmen … durchinszenierte, recht schräge Musiktheatershow …breit gefächert vom punkig-brülligen Electro Wave über minimalistischen Flamenco-Goth-Rock mit ausuferndem Solo-Cello bis hin zu epischen Pianoballaden – Taschentuch nicht vergessen. Ach ja, der Chief verprügelt ein Notenpult“ (Leipziger Volkszeitung)
»Ein gänzlich anderes musikalisches Universum« (rbb radioeins) (Full Interview here)
“Eine Bohemian Rhapsody … Ein Maskenball, ein Rummelplatz.” (taz. Die Tageszeitung)
“Ces fêlés du crâne presentant…ce spectacle délirant..la .symphonie pour le nouveau monde à la sauce teutonne” (Concertmonkey)
“pure waanzin…grote artiesten…dat de haren op onze armen recht komen te staan” (Snoozecontrol)
“Steampunk carnival hitting UK stages” (glitterorlitter)
…see reviews about the album here!
Here´s the STEAMBALL, where the show premiered, with a grandiose light show courtesy of Pfefferberg, and guest performances by Tyler KouqJ Garrett, Viva LaMore and Asahi Dojo Ninjas. I´ve made a few full song videos, find them on the album page.
Here´s COALESCAREMONIUM Brussels, where we are also expecting a full live video but in the meantime have tons of splendid press reviews and incredible photos!
The running UK tour with a ton of photos and reviews:
A radio show (German) with unplugged versions of some of the songs:
Another radio show with an hour long interview first, and a full acoustic set in the 2nd hour! (Sorry for the piano.)
Coming next: Radio show at Radio Eins Berlin – unplugged Jam and cableless show – Steampunk festivals in UK…
Full songs:
All these people singing my lines 😀
Blooper reel: The day the cello channel failed. See Christoph`s antics in the back without me noticing. In the end all became well.