on LIES (2015) – Lyrics/music: Feline Lang
My fault is: I can´t keep my mouth shut (though I´m not sure that this is so bad).
So I say what I think, and that often hurts someone, and many people wish I would drop dead
Yes, you can make me lose it – Yes, you can make me cry,
but if you try to move me – you´ll fail, I won´t go away
I`ve got a BIG ASS and I´m sitting RIGHT HERE
so if you DON´T LIKE it you gotta go away.
I´ve got a BIG ASS and I´ve a BIG MOUTH
and I won´t SHUT UP but say my say and let you look the fool you are
Feed me sweet talk to mute me, Promise me lies to keep me quiet.
But if you try to abuse me I tell you I´ll stay here alright.
No, I don´t buy what you´re saying, No, I know that it´s wrong,
right as I talk they send in the guards but they can´t stop my little song ’cause…
Lie to me lie to me but don´t even try to keep me out of your filthy plans!
Keep me where you can see me, right in the spotlight, I won´t move, for some to see me it’s their only chance.
Oh, so you think you have won me – Oh, so you`re feeling secure?
Wait till you see me standing up – I´ve got something to say to you…
Life is murderous. So is mathematics. Enter the product from both numbers here.
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